Sunday, January 1, 2012

untitled #1

An idea came to me during school so during my lunch hour I ran to the library to get the first of this down. Bear with me its a little rough but I hope you get the idea!
Hundreds of years ago two men found themselves on the shores of an unknown land. The country was surrounded by crystal turquoise waters and had lush rolling green hills for miles. The men were in awe with what they had found. They decided to build there homes there. The named their new found land Calum. Both men wanted to be king of this new land. Unable to come to an agreement the decided their first born children would each inherit the throne. The first man James Winscott’s wife gave birth to a young girl. The other man Edward Thorpe’s wife gave birth to a son the next month. Both men expected the two to marry and rule this new kingdom. But when the two children grew up they refused to marry. Each ended up married to another. The Winscott’s birthed another girl and the Thorpe’s another boy. For years this continued. Some called it a curse while other called it magic. But know one new why the pattern continued. Yet the two heirs to the throne never married. Eventually it was stated that since the Winscott bloodline always produced a girl heir first and the Thorpe’s a boy that they would be king and queen of Calum. This worked well for nearly two hundred years. However, 45 years ago the Winscott and Thorpe families both gave birth to sons. William Winscott and Reginald Thorpe grew up best of friends. They knew one day they would rule a country together. All was well until William and Reginald returned from university. William had fallen in love with a girl named Olivia. Reginald became furious because he too loved Olivia. When William and Olivia married, Reginald grew even bitterer. It was then he made up his mind. He would be king alone.
                Over the next several years Reginald and William struggled to rule Calum together. With strong tensions it was decided that the next born heir from either family would solely inherit the throne. Reginald immediately young woman named Claudia and made it his mission to have a child first. Much to his dismay William and Olivia announced several months after Reginald’s wedding that they were expecting their first child. The country couldn’t be happier for them and soon Reginald and Claudia were virtually ignored. Reginald grew furious. He had to do something. The night after the impending birth was announced; Reginald left the castle in the middle of the night. He traveled out into the forest where he met with a man only known by the name of  Tancher. Reginald made a deal with Tancher. After the birth of the first child, Tancher would attack the castle and kill William, Olivia and their newborn child. Reginald returned to the castle and happily discovered that his wife was too expecting a child. 
                Seven and a half months later William and Olivia  welcomed into the world a healthy baby girl. Three weeks later Reginald and Claudia birthed a strong baby boy.  A week after that Tancher attacked the castle and killed William and Olivia. But when Tancher approached the bassenet in the Winscotts bedroom the bab girl was gone.

                Annabel stood at the gates of Calum university. She took a deep breath knowing for the first time in her life she was on her own. No more hiding, or moving. For the next four years she would be in one spot surrounded my normal kids her age. She smiled and pulled her duffle bag over her shoulder. Calum university was breathtaking. Lush green grass blanketed the fields between the large stone buildings covered in ornate carvings. On the south end near her dorm was a large blue lake that sparkled in the twilight sun. Willow trees drooped on the shores and swayed in the wind. Annabel could see herself fitting in here. She found the building with the words Olivia Hall carved above the door. She smiled at her mother’s name. Of course no one knew it was her mother but she was comfortable with the secret. Annabel pulled the heavy wooden door open and looked down the corridor.  Unlike the outside of the building the inside was sleek and modern. The walls of the hall were painted a light grey and bright florescent lights light it up. Girls were laughing and hugging. Furniture was being lugged from room to room and introductions were being made here and there. Annabel made her way down the hall scanning the white boards on the doors for her name. She made it down to the last room and saw Annabel and Carrie scribble in bubbly letters on the door.  Annabel tried the door. It swung right open. One half of the room was already set up. There was a computer sitting on the desk and a neon pink comforter on the bed. Several other pink pillows adorned the bed. Pictures of smiling girls were hung up on the bulletin board behind the desk. Annabel assumed that the petite blonde girl who appeared the most was Carrie. Annabel smiled. This would be her first chance to make an actual friend. Annabel set down her duffel and started to unpack. Her mind started to think back on the last few years.
                Ever since she could remember Annabel only had one person her life. Roddick had been her mother and father over the years. He was the one entrusted with keeping her safe. When her parents learned the Reginald was planning on killing them, they sent her off with Roddick, her father’s entrusted advisor and friend for safe keeping. They planned on her staying with him until Reginald had been dealt with but they were  killed leaving Annabel and Roddick alone and on the run. For years Reginald searched for them relentlessly. Roddick and Annabel rarely stayed in one place for more than a year, constantly moving. All her life Roddick rarely let Annabel go anywhere alone afraid someone would notice any resemblance she held to her mother or father.  Annabel had her mother’s piercing green eyes that had once been called the jewels of Calum. Her hair was the same deep auburn shade as her father’s. As she got older though, people seemed to forget their long lost princess. Reginald made it even easier for them last year when he reported that new DNA testing proved that Calum’s princess had been killed the same night as her beloved princess. When Annabel asked Roddick about this he said that he Reginald wanted the people to forget their princess and focus on his son who was to become king after he finished school. Annabel thought that Reginald probably just assumed that she wouldn’t come forward if she hadn’t by now. No matter what the motive Annabel was grateful for this announcement, it meant that she could be free. With a little begging and persuading of Roddick Annabel convinced him to let her go to university. And now here she was.
                Annabel’s thoughts were interrupted by a girls voice, “oh my god you must be Annabel. I'm Carrie you roommate.” Carrie flung her arms around Annabel before she could respond. Carrie was short blonde and bubbly, the exact opposite of Annabel. “nice to meet you.” Annabel smiled back. Carrie insisted on helping Annabel unpack. While they set up Annabel’s side of the room Carrie and Annabel talked, well, mainly Carrie talked and Annabel listened which was fine by her since she couldn’t exactly tell Carrie her life story. However, Carrie had no problem giving Annabel a play by play of her entire life. Annabel couldn’t help but smile at how normal Carrie’s entire life sounded. Carrie was exactly what Annabel needed. She needed a whole lot of normal. By the time they finished unpacking it was already getting dark out. Annabel wasn't tired though she turned to Carrie, “so what do you wanna do tonight.” Carrie smiled like she had a secret, “well I don’t know if you’re too tired but…” she dragged off midsentence waiting for Annabel to interject. “oh I'm not. I don’t think I could sleep if I even tried.” Carrie’s smile grew. “Great cause we are going to a party.”
I will probably end up editting this much more because Im an anal perfectionist but i hope you like it so far.
Im almost done with a few more chapters.

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